Place of installation: Mirrotron laboratory in Martonvásár/Hungary
Background: The Mirrotron Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) is part of a compact neutron source that is being built in Martonvásár Hungary.
The 2.5 MeV RFQ designed and built by Time Co, Ltd., Japan is a pulsed accelerator that can support 1.25 mS pulses at a rate of 40 Hz for a maximum duty factor of 5% . The RFQ can accelerate a peak beam current of 20 mA with an input RF power 260 kW at 200 MHz. providing an average beam power of 2.5 kW. The loaded cavity Q is 10,000 which results in a cavity bandwidth of 20 kHz.
The RFQ accelerator system can be divided into 5 major subsystems
Implementation: (a more detailed description of the control system can be found here).
Our offering: A complete RFQ control system consisting of the above mentioned subsystems.